Any operator with a casino gaming license is required by their license issuers to offer self-exclusion for their players, and this should be easy for the player to set up. You should be able to set self-exclusion for much longer periods than the cooling-off periods mentioned above. Anything from a month to several years. It should also be possible to permanently self-exclude your account without questions. The operator must not contact you in any way during a self-exclusion period.

If you can’t find the self-exclusion option easily on your account – get in touch directly via chat and they are obliged to exclude you immediately for the period you choose. The operator cannot under any circumstances reopen a self-excluded account before the time frame expires. This is according to their license regulations. If you have chosen permanent exclusion, you must not be able to reopen the account, set up a new account with that operator at any time. The latter can be discussed on an individual case basis with some operators, while others have an indisputable rule on this.
Most casino players have accounts with more than one casino. We recommend that if you self-exclude from one of your accounts, that you also include all accounts in the same period to actually get a complete break from gaming.
Understand the games and the odds – the house will always have an advantage (also known as the house edge) and the odds are always on their side. Pursue your other hobbies and interests – don’t let gambling take over. Playing online can be social, but don’t forget to take care of your social life in the real world too. Don’t play to avoid difficult thoughts or a difficult life situation. As with everything else: gambling is best in moderation. If you choose to play responsibly tip: most reputable casinos have a number of tools that you can use to take control of your own gaming. Read more about these below.
How do you stay in control? We have mentioned something above, but now we will take a look at some of the different tools and limitations that can be found at online casinos. At most online casinos, these restrictions can be set directly from your account when you are logged in. You can also contact customer service directly if you find it difficult to do it yourself. At some online casinos there are also several types of restrictions that can be set, but these are the most common.