As already mentioned a few times in the previous paragraphs, new competitors have appeared on the online casino market that offer a completely new approach to online casino gaming – namely playing without registering a game account. The idea is simple: the player only needs bank account or credit card information to withdraw, so online banking or credit card credentials are enough to register.

Login is handled by trustly or a similar payment service. At these casinos game, players are completely freed from filling out cumbersome registration forms, and playing does not require handing over personal information to the site, as identification is done using online bank credentials. Money transfers also happen in record time: at best, the money is transferred to the player’s account in a few minutes.
It is clear that the absence of compulsory registration can be seen in both good and bad light. Registration-free casinos offer the possibility of fast playing and quick withdrawals.
On the other hand, it also creates security, because doing business with online banking credentials is always accompanied by the strongest security regulations and game account hacks become impossible, because there is no longer anything to break into. On the other hand, the player does not have to hand over any personal information to the casino. However, what disappoints some players is that, generally speaking, registration-free online casinos tend to offer fewer bonuses to their players. Of course, there are exceptions.
New casinos are playing with high stakes to challenge the old giants. This has caused a lot of competitive pressure in the online new casino world, as a result of which we see, for example, how older sites have introduced deposit and play game options. Players can afford to choose these days if the old one no longer appeals to them. Join a casino and register within 2 minutes at new casinos.
Because of this, casinos are competing to create experiences to make their customers stay – not just because of the bonuses, but because of the player experiences. However, new online casinos that offer free play money without wagering requirements have challenged these long-term customers, as speculation has become very profitable.
However, what many people don’t know is that almost all new online casinos are white label casinos founded or owned by older casino sites, which explains why, in the end, similar offers and gaming experiences can be found on many different casino sites. Different casinos focus on different features: some try to create fantasy worlds, others compete with fast play and withdrawals, while some buy customers by offering free play money.